What we do

An engaging conversation between son-in-law and mother-in-law (Yes, you read that right!) as they discuss the family relationship with a biblical perspective.


Who we are

RT Stringer serves as the lead pastor at Villa Baptist Church in Indianapolis, Indiana, where he has been on staff since 2016. He also serves as a chaplain in the Indiana Army National Guard. RT holds his Bachelor’s from Indiana University and his Masters of Divinity from the Southern Baptist Theological Seminary. He and his wife, Karen, are the parents of three beautiful teen-aged daughters.

Debbie Haddix serves as the women’s ministry director at the Valley Church in Norwood, Ohio. She also serves as Vice President and Resource Director of the Christian Grandparenting Network. Debbie holds a Bachelor’s in English Literature and in Elementary Education from the University of Cincinnati. She is also a board-certified Master Christian Life Coach. She and her husband, Don, have been married for more than forty years. They are parents to three grown children and their spouses and are grandparents to twelve.

Experienced speakers, both RT and Debbie thoroughly enjoy speaking at marriage events, family conferences, seminars, and other events. Each has a heart for helping families grow in relationship to one another as they grow to be more like Christ.


Why we exist

Vertical Families exists to point people to Christ, so that families will grow stronger.


How it all started

It all started around the dinner table at a local Culver’s restaurant when Blake (our producer) posed the question. Without hesitation, Debbie blew it off as a ridiculous idea. Minutes later, RT threw out the idea of a mother-in-law and son-in-law podcast as he was sure no one was doing such a thing. (Debbie thought he was joking!)

In the months that followed, conversations began to occur. Maybe this wasn’t such a crazy idea. Marriages all around them were falling apart. Parents were struggling. The generations of a family pulling against each other.

Perhaps this mother-in-law and son-in-law team could offer help by sharing their own familial experiences and centering their conversations right where they should be – around the Bible.

It’s been over a year in the making, but here it is. Welcome to Vertical Families!